مدیریت ریسک: ریسک چه چیزی نیست؟
مطالبی که به آن خواهیم پرداخت
پنهان سازی سر فصل ها
- خطر (Danger, Hazard)
- پیامد منفی (Adverse consequence)
- پیامد مثبت
- پیامد منفی یا مثبت
- بیم، هراس، ترس، خوف، وحشت (Fear, Dread, Horror)
- اشتیاق
- پروا (Care, Concern, Anxiety)
تعاریف ریسک
تعریف PMBOK از ریسک
PMBOK 2017:
Individual project risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on one or more project objectives.
Overall project risk is the effect of uncertainty on the project as a whole, arising from all sources of uncertainty including individual risks, representing the exposure of stakeholders to the implications of variations in project outcome, both positive and negative.
PMBOK 2013:
Project risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on one or more project objectives such as scope, schedule, cost, and quality.